by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Africa, International Organisations, NGOs, Statements
Esther Mwaura Muiru Founder and National Coordinator, GROOTS Kenya The foundation to accomplish the ambitious 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) lies in citizens’ full participation. The development community should aim at investing in community knowledge hubs,...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Günter Koch Member of KM-A, co-founder of the New Club of Paris and former CEO of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) In my ‘former life’ as a computer scientist and software engineering manager, I was constantly confronted with the question of how intellectual...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 1, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Sola Folayan Executive Director, Pan African Civil Society Research and Documentation Centre (PACIRAD Africa), Nigeria Knowledge curation is very essential if we are to achieve the Agenda 2030. Africa is making much more efforts in the last decade on documentation....