Angelika Mittelmann

Angelika Mittelmann

Angelika Mittelmann Knowledge Manager at Voestalpine, Winner of the KM Award 2015 It is not the knowledge but the attitude toward learning that makes the difference. Knowledge and learning are two sides of the same coin. The good news is that learning is a built-in...
Courtney S. Roberts

Courtney S. Roberts

Courtney S. Roberts Principal and Founder, Moonshot Global, USA While knowledge has always been at the core of global development work, there has been a shift over time from the belief that expert knowledge transferred and disseminated can yield change and spur...
Riff Fullan, Cesar Robles and Monika Herger

Riff Fullan, Cesar Robles and Monika Herger

Riff Fullan, Cesar Robles and Monika Herger Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Knowledge and Learning team, Swizerland It is through knowledge and learning that we as individuals meaningfully interact with others and with our wider environment. Participation in...
Edith van Ewijk

Edith van Ewijk

Edith van Ewijk Postdoc researcher knowledge co-creation in food and business learning platforms, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Partnerships for the goals, sustainable development goal (SDG) 17, is crucial in achieving all other SDGs. In order to address...