by Andreas Brandner | Apr 12, 2022 | Statements
Natasha Mhango Knowledge Management and Communication Specialist for the Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Program (E-SLIP), Zambia. Knowledge is key in decision-making. Good decisions (and bad ones!) are based on the knowledge that is available. It is...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Africa, Business, Statements
Shira Bayigga Mukiibi Manager, Renewable Energy Business Incubator, Uganda Advancing knowledge to accelerate clean energy businesses The Renewable Energy Business Incubator’s (REBi) mandate is to support the development of local renewable energy sustainable...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Africa, NGOs, Statements
Agnes Naluwagga Coordinator, Regional Testing and Knowledge Centre, Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC), Uganda Knowledge is a fundamental necessity for any successful achievement. The knowledge acquisition cycle is a continual process for...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Africa, Business, Statements
Francis Onencan Onek Finance and Administration Manager, BOSCO, Uganda At present, I see knowledge society as a human structured organization based on contemporary developed knowledge and representing a new quality of life support system. This society is based on...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Ewen Le Borgne Process Change, The Netherlands Knowledge for Development is a tautology. Knowledge is for development. Knowledge is development. Personal, communitarian and societal development. Contrary to money and influence (coming through our personal networks),...