by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Günter Koch Member of KM-A, co-founder of the New Club of Paris and former CEO of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) In my ‘former life’ as a computer scientist and software engineering manager, I was constantly confronted with the question of how intellectual...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Suzanne Kiwanuka Senior Lecturer in Health Policy, Planning and Management at Makerere University, Uganda According to Hyrum W. Smith, wisdom is knowledge, rightly applied. In order to promote knowledge uptake in a rapidly changing world, the coming decade should be...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Dimitar Hristov Managing Director, Cluster Sofia Knowledge City, Bulgaria Knowledge-based economy is a new state of the global economy, which in recent decades has been transformed by new technologies. It is characterized by disruptive changes caused by incorporation...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 1, 2020 | Africa, Business, Statements
Bernard Atsu Sename Ingénieur de territoire, Assistant suivi-évaluation et chargé de management des connaissances à ETD, Togo La connaissance est pour la société ce que le sang est pour le corps humain. Pour se développer et s’épanouir, chaque société doit gérer ses...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 1, 2020 | Academic, Art and Culture, Business, International Organisations, Statements
Wangui wa Goro Independent academic, critic, public intellectual, translator, editor, writer, social and cultural catalyst, advocate, activist and campaigner for human and cultural rights Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu: I am, because you are. What is exciting is that...