Marjan Modara

Marjan Modara

Marjan Modara Engineer, Researcher, and Ph.D. Candidate in Knowledge & Innovation Management, Bahrain In October 2008, the Kingdom of Bahrain launched its comprehensive economic vision under the title of ‘The Economic Vision 2030 for Bahrain’. In it, Bahrain...
Cecilia Nembou

Cecilia Nembou

Cecilia Nembou President of Divine Word University (DWU), Papua New Guinea Visions for future knowledge societies In this statement, knowledge means expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience or education and development means a fundamental change in...
Francis Onencan Onek

Francis Onencan Onek

Francis Onencan Onek Finance and Administration Manager, BOSCO, Uganda At present, I see knowledge society as a human structured organization based on contemporary developed knowledge and representing a new quality of life support system. This society is based on...
Annabella Busawule Johnson

Annabella Busawule Johnson

Annabella Busawule Johnson Consulting and managing partner, Austria To serve effectively across an international community of knowledge for development partners, we must have first and foremost people, knowledge and technology while, of course, not taking for granted...
Kemly Camacho

Kemly Camacho

Kemly Camacho General Manager, Cooperativa Sulá Batsú, Costa Rica El lema de la Cooperativa Sulá Batsú, de la cual soy  fundadora y coordinadora,  es ‘Por una sociedad de Saberes Compartidos.’ Con esta guía es que hemos venido trabajando durante 15 años en el marco de...