by Andreas Brandner | Feb 8, 2022 | Statements
Chris Zielinski Senior Consultant Partnerships in Health Information program. With over 30 years of working in this field in international organizations at the senior level and as a consultant, mainly in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Chris is currently working on...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 3, 2020 | Africa, International Organisations, NGOs, Statements
Esther Mwaura Muiru Founder and National Coordinator, GROOTS Kenya The foundation to accomplish the ambitious 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) lies in citizens’ full participation. The development community should aim at investing in community knowledge hubs,...
by Andreas Brandner | Aug 31, 2020 | Africa, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Roland Bardy BardyConsult, Germany,Executive Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA Sustainable development in developing countries is only possible when it involves a bottom-up approach and brings in a multitude of local endeavors. In order for this to occur,...