by Andreas Brandner | Jan 31, 2022 | Statements
Atsu Senamé A Certified Knowledge Manager who has developed expertise in knowledge management as part of his duties. Has participated in missions to develop knowledge management strategies, capitalize on experiences, and train as a mission leader. An associate...
by Andreas Brandner | Sep 1, 2020 | Academic, Africa, Allgemein, Art and Culture, Asia, Australia, Business, Europe, Governmental, International Organisations, LAC, NGOs, North America, Stakeholder group, Statements
Gibril Faal Director of GK Partners & Interim Director of ADEPT On 19 September 2015 at the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants, I had the privilege to address member states on the subject of ‘International cooperation: the way a head.’ I stated that...
by Elisabeth Penzenauer | Aug 26, 2020 | Africa, Business
Bedi Amouzou CEO & founder of Knowledge for Development Without Borders (K4DWB), responsible for the long-term strategy of creating shared value for the most vulnerable In the 21st century, a new society is emerging in which knowledge development is fundamental...