Shailza Bajaj
Operations Officer, UNAIDS, India
Knowledge is most important for any kind of economic & social development and ignorance can be compared to a dark room. No matter how long the room has been dark, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit, the entire room becomes luminous.
Knowledge Management (KM) is the process to create, share and manage for effective use of the information that’s available as a wealth of knowledge within/outside an organization. Any organization or an individual is a knowledge bank in some or the other way. They can significantly contribute their wealth of knowledge towards the development and improvement of an organization, country or the entire world. Knowledge Management is also about creating valuable knowledge pool and sharing right knowledge with right people at right time. It’s is a vast area with several aspects which can contribute towards overall development of a nation or all the nations across the globe.
To achieve SDGs of the UN and to address the development challenges at global level, knowledge sharing is must among different stakeholders worldwide. It is the need of an hour to generate partnerships at various levels across different sectors who are significantly contributing towards successful achievement of country goals as well as SDGs. Such partnerships and knowledge sharing of best practices, sustainable & replicable models and innovations can be a suitable solution for any country/region to address their development challenges. This would help the global KM4Dev community to provide best solutions to developing countries instead of them wasting their resources to reinvent the wheel.
Knowledge plays a critical role for any change as developing countries can grow dynamically and independently through strong eco-system. Therefore, globally connecting leading public, private organizations and individuals etc in the field of development to share their visions, ambitions, sustainable and replicable best practices/solutions to constitute Knowledge Development Goals (KDGs) is highly important.
In this regard, the global KM4Dev Community is fostering international development through knowledge sharing, commitment to strengthen global knowledge for development and by closely knitting the local, national & global knowledge ecosystem. I appreciate KM4Dev’s global agenda which is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge societies contributing towards successful achievement of SDGs by 2030.