Richard Walugembe
Head Technical Department, UltraTec (Uganda) Limited
Kampala Knowledge City development
Kampala Knowledge City will bring development as a learning living lab where various sustainable spatial and economic innovations will be shared through the knowledge city campaign. Eventually this should impact the way Kampala develops. This concretely means that we should facilitate sessions with various stakeholders through which inclusive and circular business cases will be co-created that can: 1) Form solutions to the challenges in and around the Kampala city through information sharing; 2) Create new business opportunities for Ugandans and energy enterprises that offer sustainable solutions. Kampala Knowledge City will not only aim to boost sustainable urban development, but also creates a spin-off for local economic activities, as it considers challenges regarding reliable power supply and infrastructure as opportunities for businesses to the people living in Kampala. UltraTec as an energy company will continue giving people the solution through sharing knowledge to enable them to have access to affordable power so that their lives are improved.