Knowledge for Development Challenges
The K4D Challenges are both educational and transformational programmes jointly implemented by K4DP and partner institutions. Participants are joining a comprehensive Certification Training Programme and apply the learnings directly in the team to solve pressing challenges in the respective knowledge ecosystem.
Thematically and geographically focused K4D Challenges are running already since 2001 successfully, like the Africa Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development Challenge (KM4AgD), the Knowledge Management for Public Administration of Uganda Challenge (KM4PAdU), and the global Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Challenge (KM4B).
First global K4D Challenge starting in April 2025!
We will start the first global, thematically open K4D Challenge on 4 April 2025, see find here a power power introducing the K4D Challenge as well as a short and a longer text on it.
The K4D Challenge is a big opportunity to make a change in K4D together. It provides a solid educational programme, access to an amazing K4D Community of Practice and allows to jointly create the solutions for your and our all problems in the knowledge ecosystems.

Participants are mastering 3 challenges
They develop or advance the KM concepts for their organisations, supported by world-leading KM experts.
They solve KM challenges in the sector/country with knowledge policy briefs.
They contribute with their learnings to the global Agenda Knowledge for Development.
Participants who successfully accomplish the challenges are awarded “Certified Knowledge Managers for Sustainable Development” by K4DP, the partner institutions, and our SKS-Partner Universities.
Previous challenges


The first K4D Challenge was implemented in 2021 and 2022 in partnership with FARA Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa as the “Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development Challenge 2021 and 2022”.
About 60 participants from 30 countries have been trained and coached by more than 20 experts, who supported them in the development of KM Strategies for their organisations and National Knowledge Policy Briefs for their countries.
Both KM4AgD Challenges concluded with the “Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development Conference”, held from 6-9 December 2021 and 13-15 September 2022 in Accra, Ghana. On that occasion of the first KM4AgD Conference, the Accra Declaration has been signed, laying the ground for a strategic, systematic and integrated approach to knowledge in agricultural development in Africa.
The KM4AgD Challenge will be continued on an annual basis. For more information, go to
Accra Declaration in English
Accra Declaration in French
Further Challenges
Further Challenges are being prepared.
The Africa Water and Sanitation Knowledge Management Challenge in cooperation with AMCOW African Ministers´ Council on Water will train 2 participants from each African countries and work towards a continental Water Knowledge Agenda.
The Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Challenge shall strengthen Knowledge Management on national, regional and global levels, implemented in partnership with the Convention on Biodiversity. The CBD Secretariat is hosted by UNEP in Montreal, Canada.
The KM4PADU Challenge was implemented from February to June 2023, trained KM focal points in all Ministries and key Agencies of Uganda and worked towards a National Knowledge Management Strategy for the Public Administration of Uganda. The project was implemented by the joint K4D-Centre at Makerere University Business School, which is a collaboration of MUBS and K4DP.
Do you want to learn more about it? Are you interested in implementing a K4D Challenge in cooperation with K4DP?
Get in contact with us:
All documents in one place
Here you find all documents around the Knowledge for Development Challenges
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