What people say
Statements of Agenda K4D
Here you can find the statements of people that contributetd to the different Agenda’s K4D. Filter them by continent, region, or type of organization.

Irina Bokova
Director-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
Knowledge is a catalyst for development. This stands at the heart of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – it is a core driver of all UNESCO’s work to…
Dr. Bambang Susantono
Vice-President of Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Knowledge Management is fundamental to all aspects of development work and ultimately to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a powerful way of adding real value to our support for countries as they strive to attain the SDGs. In Asia and the Pacific, many countries have reached middle-income status.
Patricia Mweene Lumba
Senior Knowledge Management Officer at African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Effective participation in the “Knowledge Society” requires, rather obviously, access to its most important commodity, knowledge. If well managed, data and information can be a catalyst to Africa’s international arena involvement. To be a true leader in the international field, Africa will need to reconsider what it means to be engaged in the current knowledge economy.
Leif Edvinsson
Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
Future knowledge societies are in an accelerating, exponential dynamic. Is it chaos or is there an intelligence pattern to be observed? An emerging approach was shared by the founder of VISA, Dee W. Hock, who..
Kingo Mchombu
Professor and Acting Vice Chancellor, International University of Management, Namibia
The Agenda of Knowledge for Development 2030 supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 through strengthening knowledge systems and services…
Mamun Rashid
Managing Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bangladesh
The concept of knowledge management is actually as old as the human civilization itself. There is no denying the fact that the generation, accumulation, sharing and utilization of knowledge has been the fuel that powered the advancement of mankind.
Modern day knowledge management (KM) refers to the structured process of creating, storing, protecting, using and sharing the knowledge and information of an entity.
Syed Ishtiaque Reza
Editor in Chief, GTV
Bangladesh economy has experienced tremendous growth in some selected industries such as readymade garment, leather, food-processing and service sector like information technology over the last two decades. The country also made considerable progress on reducing extreme poverty measured by 1.9 USD per day.
Inam Ahmed
Editor The Business Standard
Since SDG is a global collective commitment to make life better free of poverty, hunger and to establish equality, access to resources and better environment, the effort to achieve this is quite a lofty task especially in the backdrop of the covid-19 pandemic situation.
Syed Khaled Ahsan
The World Bank Office in Bangladesh
Knowledge and development are complementary to each other. The connotation of knowledge is broad in the context of development. There is a need for a culture to be patronized by the state and a habit by its citizens to live in a knowledge based society. In the time of deadly corona virus, it is more necessary than before.
Shahidul Alam
Photographer, writer, human rights activist. Time Magazine Person of the Year 2018.
The development lens has largely focused on basic needs. On the availability of material things. For our life to have meaning, we need more than merely the ability to survive.
Ms. Shaheen Anam
Executive Director
Manusher Jonno Foundation
Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) formed a Knowledge Management Team (KMT) in April 2018 for gathering evidence on what works, what does not work and capture lesson learned from its programmes. KMT is also contributing to extract, capture, store and improve both internal and external knowledge to improve the organizational performance.
Dr. Ali Riaz
Professor, Department of Politics and Government, Illinois State University and Non-resident Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council, USA.
Politics is essentially a process of comprehending the rights as citizens, understanding the responsibilities, exercising these rights and fulfilling these responsibilities even in adverse situation, and engaging in endeavors for common good – individually and as a community.
Sumaiya Khair Ph.D.
Professor of Law, University of Dhaka
& Adviser, Executive Management, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
For years now, legal reform initiatives have been focusing on empowering the poor and the marginalized to make strategic use of the law to access justice. However, these have not always delivered the desired outcomes primarily because in many cases, this was done by simply grafting borrowed ideas from alien legal cultures without tailoring the responses to the socio-legal realities and without addressing in full the contradictions inhering in the economic, political and structural processes in a given society.
Dr. Md. Golam Rahman
Former Chief Information Commissioner, Bangladesh
Communication is one of the major components of behavioral and societal effort to perform a specific purpose. Knowledge is also an essential resource for the development of societies all over the world. Knowledge sharing has a very close link to communication in data, information and knowledge exchange process.
Ali Imam Majumder
Former Cabinet Secretary, the Government of Bangladesh
There can be no denial on the imperatives for building global knowledge for attaining sustainable development. The need for development and sharing of such knowledge have become more crucial in the wake of the global pandemic situation. This may lead to two outcomes: renewed imperative for global knowledge production, dissemination and sharing of information, on the other, increased protectionism.
Eric Tsui
Prof. Eric Tsui PhD, Associate Director, Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In the 21st century, we are living in increasingly connected societies. As Steve Job once said, “Serendipity is by connecting the dots.” Therefore, in order to reap the most benefits, KM efforts and programmes need paradigmatic changes. Firstly, in the past, most KM efforts were focused with an organization e.g. developing good practices, sharing lessons learnt and setting up communities or centres of excellence.
John Lewis
Explanation Age LLC, USA
I was just 6 years old when I attended the 1964 New York World’s Fair, but I remember seeing the fair’s theme which was prominently displayed: “Peace Through Understanding.”
Robin Mansell
Professor, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
If investment in digital networks and access to digital information is to support the sustainable development agenda, it must respect the aspirations of local people.
Kim Martins
Co-Director, Mind Vision
We live in a post-truth world in which ‘fake news’ can disrupt development work and devalue knowledge. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, are driven by algorithms that push ‘alternative facts’ and questionable information in…
Ron McCallum
Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney, Australia
Access to knowledge is important for everybody, and for persons with disabilities as we are excluded. Without my supporters and accessible technology. I could never have become the first totally blind…
Chris McMullan
Masters’ student, Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation, University of Sussex, UK
As a student of anthropology and development, I am constantly examining what knowledge means both as a process, and as a resource. By studying and…
Henning Melber
President of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
‘Knowledge is power’ remains a popular slogan in education and beyond. It aims to motivate learners to acquire knowledge and to apply it for own gains. But…
Angelika Mittelmann
Knowledge Manager at Voestalpine, Winner of the KM Award 2015
It is not the knowledge as such but the attitude towards learning that makes the difference. Knowledge and learning are two sides of the same coin. The good news is that learning is a…
Marjan Modara
Engineer, Researcher, and PhD Candidate in Knowledge & Innovation Management, Bahrain
In October 2008, the Kingdom of Bahrain launched its comprehensive economic vision under the title of ‘The Economic Vision 2030 for Bahrain’. In it, Bahrain conveys…
Isaac Mugumbule
Supervisor Landscape, Kampala Capital City Authority, Directorate of Physical Planning, Uganda
Uganda has been known internationally as the pearl of Africa. According to the Kampala Physical Development Plan 2012 (KPDP), Kampala was previously referred…
Nolbert Muhumuza
Awamu Biomass Energy, Uganda
Kampala Knowledge City is a timely platform that I believe individuals, organizations and corporations need to develop a thriving and prosperous knowledge-based Ugandan economy. I believe the platform will not only…
Shira Bayigga Mukiibi
Manager, Renewable Energy Business Incubator, Uganda
Advancing knowledge to accelerate clean energy businesses The Renewable Energy Business Incubator’s (REBi) mandate is to support the development of local renewable energy sustainable…
Esther Mwaura Muiru
Founder and National Coordinator, GROOTS Kenya
The foundation to accomplish the ambitious 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) lies in citizens’ full participation. The development community should aim at investing in community knowledge hubs,…
Ashwani Muthoo and Helen Gillman
Director, Global Engagement, Knowledge and Strategy Division Senior Knowledge Management Specialist, Global Engagement, Knowledge and Strategy Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
The broader environment in…
Oscar Nagari
Information and Communications Technology Managers, Uganda
Health Marketing Group
True knowledge is transcendental and its value can only be measured against the backdrop of existential purpose. It is a separation of belief from fact, and the division of…
Agnes Naluwagga
Coordinator, Regional Testing and Knowledge Centre, Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC), Uganda
Knowledge is a fundamental necessity for any successful achievement. The knowledge acquisition cycle is a continual process for…
Lata Narayanaswamy
Lecturer in International Development, University of Leeds, UK
People need information at various times and at different points in their life course, and access to information in order to facilitate knowledge creation processes underpins the…
Cecilia Nembou
President of Divine Word University (DWU), Papua New Guinea Visions for future knowledge societies
In this statement, knowledge means expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience or education and development means a fundamental change in…
Vanessa Nigten
Knowledge Broker at The Broker and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform
The Agenda Knowledge for Development rightly urges country knowledge investment. To make knowledge work practically to reach the SDGs, knowledge brokering plays an essential…
Klaus North
Professor of International Management, Wiesbaden Business School, Germany
Knowledge or ignorance for development? What drives or hinders development of nations, regions, organizations, teams or individuals? Most of us would agree that knowledge and…
Ronnie Ntambi
Chief Executive Officer, Pictures of Africa
Trend vanes are indicating that advanced economies are being radically altered by dynamic processes of economic and spatial restructuring within the frame of a new knowledge economy. Today, knowledge is…
Francis Onencan Onek
Finance and Administration Manager, BOSCO, Uganda
At present, I see knowledge society as a human structured organization based on contemporary developed knowledge and representing a new quality of life support system. This society is based on…
Osbert Osamai
Systems Analist, National Information Technology Authority, Uganda
Knowledge is a vital ingredient in the economic development of any country. In the area of ICT, adoption of online Government services (e-services) is highly dependent on knowledge that…
Isaiah Owiunji
Programme Coordinator, Energy, Climate and Extractives Programme, World Wide Fund for Nature, Uganda
The old adage is clear: “knowledge is power” and as human beings we live in a knowledge era. Our work and our lives are centred on the creation,…
Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Director, Global Healthcare Information Network, UK
Progress on the SDGs is wholly dependent on the ability of individuals and organisations to cooperate, collaborate and share perspectives, experience, and expertise, ‘in a process of collective…
Ewen Le Borgne
Process Change, The Netherlands
Knowledge for Development is a tautology. Knowledge is for development. Knowledge is development. Personal, communitarian and societal development. Contrary to money and influence (coming through our personal networks),…
Günter Koch
Member of KM-A, co-founder of the New Club of Paris and former CEO of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
In my ‘former life’ as a computer scientist and software engineering manager, I was constantly confronted with the question of how intellectual…
Suzanne Kiwanuka
Senior Lecturer in Health Policy, Planning and Management at Makerere University, Uganda
According to Hyrum W. Smith, wisdom is knowledge, rightly applied. In order to promote knowledge uptake in a rapidly changing world, the coming decade should be…
Obwoya Kinyera Sam
Professor, Executive Board Member, National Planning Authority, Uganda
Knowledge is a fundamental catalyst to economic development. The fact is that the things we buy, and the methods we use to make them, rely more and more on knowledge, and less on…
Daniel Keftassa
PhD, Chairperson of the community based organisation HefDA and Development Practioneer in Ethiopia
In the social and economic development field, development practitioners are often expected to meet the needs, aspirations, worries and wishes of the…
Casey Keeley
Student, University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
In an effort to truly get to the root of knowledge discrepancies between different groups, we must first acknowledge the role that education has in perpetuating fundamental…
Anna Rosa Juurlink
Student, University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Canada is a first world country and also one of the most water-rich places on earth. Despite this, it has an entire population of citizens living in third world conditions….
Annabella Busawule Johnson
Johnson Consulting and managing partner, Austria
To serve effectively across an international community of knowledge for development partners, we must have first and foremost people, knowledge and technology while, of course, not taking for granted…
Dimitar Hristov
Managing Director, Cluster Sofia Knowledge City, Bulgaria
Knowledge-based economy is a new state of the global economy, which in recent decades has been transformed by new technologies. It is characterized by disruptive changes caused by incorporation…
Jaap Pels
KennisKlussen | KnowledgeWorks, The Netherlands
It seems obvious knowledge is relevant for development. But so is trust, respect, innovation, co-creation, learning, money, (information) technology and a plethora of other conditions and intangibles. What’s…
Mike Powell
IKM Emergent
When the World Bank launched its World Development Report, Knowledge for Development, in 1998, its premise was that the knowledge needed to achieve development existed and that the challenge was to disseminate and apply it. Whilst there is…
Shishir Priyadarshi
Director, Development Division, World Trade Organization
It is well established that the promotion of knowledge – including through human capital accumulation, development of information technology and communication tools, and promotion of…
Courtney S. Roberts
Principal and Founder, Moonshot Global, USA
While knowledge has always been at the core of global development work, there has been a shift over time from the belief that expert knowledge transferred and disseminated can yield change and spur…
Mirjam Ros-Tonen
Associate Professor University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
We often hear that inclusive and sustainable development requires ‘knowledge beyond science’ – co-created by researchers, policymakers, practitioners and, for instance, farmers and value…
Hope Sadza
Vice Chancellor and Professor, Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe
The Women’s University in Africa (WUA), of which I am the Vice Chancellor, is a private institution with campuses in Bulawayo, Harare, Marondera and Mutare. It was co-founded in 2002 by…
Raymond Saner
Director, DiplomacyDialogue and Professor, International Relations & International Management, University of Basle, Switzerland
In order to achieve the 17 goals of Agenda 2030, substantial financial investment will be required. According to the 2014…
Thierry Sanzhie Bokally
Senior Knowledge Management Officer at United Cities and Local Governments Africa, Morocco
La ville est l’espace public dans lequel toutes les politiques publiques de développement se mettent en oeuvre. Elle est le lieu par excellence du…
Charlotte Scarf and Ros Madden
Research Fellows, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney, Australia
Data development as part of knowledge development for achieving the SDGs More than one billion people or 15 percent of the world population live…
Johannes Schunter
Innovation & Knowledge Specialist at United Nations Development Programme
It is easy to hail knowledge as ultimate driver for change and key resource to achieve the SDGs. The sobering reality, however, is that more knowledge doesn’t per se make…
Donald Houessou
PhD Candidate at Athena Institute, Vrije University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The African continent is at a crossroad of its transformation where the world is facing, at the same time, the five big challenges: population growth, urbanization,…
Saskia Hollander
Knowledge Management Director, The Broker, a think net on globalization and development, The Netherlands
Independent knowledge is crucial for inclusive development. Yet, while there is a wealth of scientific knowledge that is relevant for achieving…
Alta Hooker Blandford
President of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN)
Over the last decades, the world has developed in an unparalleled way. Great technological innovations, especially in the field of communication and…
Paul Hoebink
Professor at the Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
All my professional life I have been working in Academia, in fact in the same university where I arrived as a student in 1970. All those…
Paul Hector
Doctoral Researcher, Institute for Knowledge and Innovation South East Asia (IKI-SEA), Bangkok University, Thailand
Knowledge is a key resource that enables transformation. Through knowledge-based development we can create solutions to contemporary…
Michael Häupl
Mayor and Governor of Vienna
Introduction to the Knowledge City World Summit and Knowledge for Development Summit in October 2016 in Vienna At present, Europe is undergoing a change comparable in extent with the industrial revolution. This also applies…
Johanna Hartmann
Project Manager Knowledge Mangement and Energy Access
Today one in five people worldwide lack access to electricity, while every third person cooks on unhealthy fireplaces. First-hand knowledge on modern and sustainable energy solutions often only…
Cees Hamelink
Emeritus Professor, Communication Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
There are many challenges to the creation of knowledge, both for science and society. The challenges to science include that, historically, universities have assisted…
Ariel Halpern
Vice-President, PROCASUR Corporation
In the near future, our societies will value local communities as knowledge holders. We will learn that problems are global but effective solutions start from the bottom. Because people’s knowledge reflects on the…
Leah de Haan
Editorial Assistant, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, UK
Local knowledge, and especially the complex and multiple ways it interacts with all our other knowledges, is key to how we comprehend the world. The tumultuous political…
Bernard Atsu Sename
Ingénieur de territoire, Assistant suivi-évaluation et chargé de management des connaissances à ETD, Togo
La connaissance est pour la société ce que le sang est pour le corps humain. Pour se développer et s’épanouir, chaque société doit gérer ses…
Denise Senmartin
Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Cordoba, Argentina
The tensions between what we call rich and poor, private and public, global and local, porous and walled, open and secret, sharing and leaking, activism and slacktivism,…
Arthur Shelley
Intelligent Answers, Australia
The challenge for knowledge professionals is that humanity is not leveraging its collective knowledge as effectively as it could. There are many errors being repeated around the world, with major tangible and intangible…
Alan Stanley
Senior Convenor in the Open Knowledge and Digital Services Unit at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, Editor of Eldis (www.eldis.org) and co-convenor of the EADI Information Management Working Group The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable…
Nico Stehr
Professor, Karl Mannheim Chair for Cultural Studies, Zeppelin University, Germany
Knowledge seems to define so many of the phenomena of modern societies. But despite its prominence, knowledge is a hard term to grasp and often remains nebulous. It is…
Subhash Gupta
Global financial & management executive and development professional, USA
Knowledge for development is driven by the need to enhance operational efficiency, continuous improvement, organizational learning and innovation. The processes of cooperation…
Vandana Gopikumar
Co-founder, The Banyan and The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health (BALM) and Professor, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), India
Mental health is everybody’s business. The interaction between structural…
Nikita Giron
Student, University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
KDG3 aims to strengthen local knowledge ecosystems by emphasising ‘collaboration and context-based communication, based on local realities and local knowledge.’ To achieve KDG3,…
Ojulo Stephen
Volunteer for the Switch Africa Green Project, CREEC, Uganda
‘With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbour, but through knowledge and superior discernment shall the righteous be delivered.’ Proverbs 11.9 The capacity for knowledge as shown in…
Wim Getkate
Country Manager, African Clean Energy (ACE) Solutions, Uganda
Knowledge is one of the few things on this earth which multiplies when shared, like happiness and love. Sharing it must therefore be the right thing to do. Doing the right thing is at the core…
Rachel Fuhrmann
Student, University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Knowledge is a fundamental constituent of development and acknowledging this is precisely what the Agenda Knowledge for Development has done. The initiative represents an…
Students of Masters’ courses, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Conclusion of focus group discussion, 2 March 2017
We recommend that future development of the Agenda Knowledge for Development should provide a clarification on the knowledge aspect of each SDG. In addition, we consider that the moral and political aspect of knowledge requires greater recognition which also requires greater clarity on the authors’ and contributors’ positionality.
Euphrasius Fuorr
Chief Executive Officer, Planit Uganda Limited Planit
Uganda Limited is here to upgrade and carry forward the desire of all communities in the sector of the built environment. The heart beat is to provide technologies that are accessible and…
Riff Fullan, Cesar Robles and Monika Herger
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Knowledge and Learning team, Swizerland
It is through knowledge and learning that we as individuals meaningfully interact with others and with our wider environment. Participation in…
Sola Folayan
Executive Director, Pan African Civil Society Research and Documentation Centre (PACIRAD Africa), Nigeria
Knowledge curation is very essential if we are to achieve the Agenda 2030. Africa is making much more efforts in the last decade on documentation….
Prince Lekan Fadina
Executive Director, Centre for Investment, Sustainable Development, Management and Environment (CISME)
The world is facing myriads of challenges – inequality, poverty, high level illiteracy, economic crises, climate change, migration, finance and…
Ana Cristina Fachinelli
Graduate Program in Administration, University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil
The improvement of human societies is driven by developing efficient and effective strategies for using knowledge as a factor to create value on a local, regional and…
Nanette Svenson
Adjunct Professor, Tulane University, USA
Kofi Annan once said, ‘Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.’ He was right. And, ‘knowledge’, especially ‘knowledge for…
Gibril Faal
Director of GK Partners & Interim Director of ADEPT
On 19 September 2015 at the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants, I had the privilege to address member states on the subject of ‘International cooperation: the way a head.’ I stated that…
Edith van Ewijk
Postdoc researcher knowledge co-creation in food and business learning platforms, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Partnerships for the goals, sustainable development goal (SDG) 17, is crucial in achieving all other SDGs. In order to address…
José Angelo Estrella-Faria
Secretary-General, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
Law is one of the cornerstones of civilisation and a basic condition for community life. Private law is probably the oldest branches of law and for…
Rabih El-Haddad
Multilateral Diplomacy Programme, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
As the training arm of the United Nations System, UNITAR is committed to equipping individuals, institutions and organizations with the knowledge skills…
Günther M. Szogs
Secretary of International Advisory Board, Leonardo European Corporate Learning Award
‘Fighting hunger, need, disease and – often forgotten – fighting ignorance are the prerequisites for a life of human dignity all over the world. And the world can be…
Jacobs Edo
Business Transformation Advisor, Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (Stanford SEED), Austria
The need for quality public services delivered faster, more integrated and more ecologically friendly cannot be over-emphasized in today’s…
Serafin D. Talisayon
Community and Corporate Learning for Innovation (CCLFI), The Philippines
Knowledge for development: start with the right framework About 70% of Gross World Product is now being created from knowledge; the rest is from extraction or growing and…
Alistair D. Edgar
Executive Director, Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Wilfrid Laurier University
The Sustainable Development Goals are indivisible. Without peace, ending poverty and hunger and ensuring healthy lives and well-being are all but…
Erwin Eder
Managing Director, HORIZONT3000, Austria
Rosa Luxemburg, a fighter for civil rights, once said: ‘We will only succeed if we do not forget to learn.’ Development cooperation works mainly project-based and involves multiple stakeholders for financing and…
Fréjus Thoto
Executive Director, Actions pour l’Environnement et le Développement (ACED), Benin
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most integrated and comprehensive blueprint to ensure that all nations achieve socio-economic development while protecting…
Abdelkader Djeflat
Chairman and founder of the Maghreb Technology (MAGHTECH) network, former Dean of the faculty of Economics of Oran University, Algeria
In African countries the fundamental ingredients in terms of sustainable knowledge for sustainable development…
Smith Tukahirwa
Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC), Makerere University, Uganda
With the government of Uganda making a deliberate effort towards attaining a middle income status by 2020, strategic knowledge management becomes an…
Nancy Dixon
Common Knowledge Associates, USA
I want to propose what may seem to some a radical goal for the international development agenda: The most impactful way for knowledge to serve development is for every successful, local, intervention to ‘Pay it Forward’ to…
Wangui wa Goro
Independent academic, critic, public intellectual, translator, editor, writer, social and cultural catalyst, advocate, activist and campaigner for human and cultural rights Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu:
I am, because you are. What is exciting is that…
Gituro Wainaina
Professor, School of Business, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya Vision 2030 is the national development blueprint that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, globally competitive and knowledge-based middle-income country, providing a…
Richard Walugembe
Head Technical Department, UltraTec (Uganda) Limited Kampala Knowledge City development
Kampala Knowledge City will bring development as a learning living lab where various sustainable spatial and economic innovations will be shared through the…
Nancy White
Full Circle Associates and member of KM4Dev
An Agenda Knowledge for Development is a useful way of raising issues and finding common ground – or the lack of it – as a starting point for dialog. But I worry it is rooted in a dying paradigm. What is becoming…
Tan Yigitcanlar
Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Development Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Throughout the history of humankind, urban development and socioeconomic progress have gone hand in hand, and they are supported through technological…
Kandeh K. Yumkella
Former Under Secretary General, United Nations, and Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for all
The present is the future; what we do today determines our future. The fact that around 80 percent of the…
Chris Zielinski
Visiting Fellow, University of Winchester and Programme Lead, Partnerships in Health Information (Phi), UK
The failure to apply existing knowledge to improve peoples’ health is often referred to as the ‘knowledge gap’ or ‘know–do gap’. The know–do gap…
Marjolein Zweekhorst
Professor, Programme Director Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences, Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Knowledge is an essential element for development and knowledge sharing is…
Petru Dumitriu
Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit, United Nations Office at Geneva
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the most ambitious and comprehensive document adopted by the United Nations after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is conceived…
Charles Dhewa
Chief Executive Officer, Knowledge Transfer Africa (KTA), Zimbabwe
Working at the intersection of formal and informal agricultural markets in Africa, I am getting frustrated by the realization that policy makers and development agencies take action when…
Felice Davids
Bachelor’s student, Liberal Arts & Sciences, University College Utrecht, The Netherlands
In the summer of 2017, I was part of an anthropological research project aiming to assess the long-term impact of severe maternal morbidity on the lives of…
Eli De Friend
Capacity Building Resource Exchange – CAPRESE, Switzerland
From an early age, I had great respect for the carving on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi: ‘γνωθι σεαυτον’. As a scholar of Classical Greek, I appreciated Socrates’ insistence that none of us…
Sarah Cummings
Knowledge for Development Partnership and Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
From my perspective, the SDGs are fundamentally flawed because they are not based on local realities and local knowledge. Although they present the…
Paul Corney
Knowledge et al, UK
Firstly, I’d like to thank the organising committee of the forthcoming conference in Geneva for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic. I believe it is the right time to be addressing the important role global institutions…
Robert Chambers
Professor, Institute of Development Studies, University of Suusex, UK
The answer to the rhetorical question ‘Can We Know Better?’ is ‘Yes we can’. The history of humankind and of development is spectacularly littered with error. We desperately need to…
Virginia Cavedoni
Intern, Policy Advice and Planning Section (PAPS), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, USA
In efforts by the international community to ‘develop’ and ‘democratize’ countries in the global South, through the transfer of Western…
Rob Cartridge
Head of Global Knowledge, Practical Action
In the seminal work ‘Small is beautiful’ published in 1973, Fritz Schumacher wrote: ‘The gift of material goods makes people dependent, but the gift of knowledge makes them free – provided it is the right kind…
Franciso Javier Carillo
President, World Capital Institute, Mexico
That Knowledge constitutes the most important basis for development is a widely held proposition, one often introduced in political discourse. The millenary idea of associating human improvement to…
Francois Carbonez
Board member, International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)
In order to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we must recognise that the sharing of knowledge and expertise between different stakeholders…
Kemly Camacho
General Manager, Cooperativa Sulá Batsú, Costa Rica
El lema de la Cooperativa Sulá Batsú, de la cual soy fundadora y coordinadora, es ‘Por una sociedad de Saberes Compartidos.’ Con esta guía es que hemos venido trabajando durante 15 años en el marco de…
Erhad Busek
Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Former Vice chancellor and Minister for Science and Research, Austria
It is generally known that we are living in a time where quick developments are happening. Nearly…
Peter Bury
Management & KM consultant/facilitator
The process towards agreeing and working on the SDGs has been a major improvement on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) process. From the start, it was set up with a globally inclusive participative approach….
Valerie Brown
Emeritus Professor, University of Western Sydney and Director, Local Sustainability Project, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
Knowledge for development is knowledge that everyone, in all communities, can share…
Andreas Brandner
General Manager, Knowledge Management Austria, KM4Dev and Knowledge for Development Partnership
Knowledge is at the heart of development. It is an essential resource for all parts of our societies – ranging from individual citizens to companies,…
Daan Boom
Community and Corporate Learning for Innovation (CCLFI), The Philippines
Knowledge is a driver of change. Change occurs through the process of invention, innovation and diffusion that leads to the transformation of ideas and knowledge into tangible…
Hope Matama Bongole
Manager, Exel Estates Limited, Uganda
The need to advance knowledge requires a collective consideration of all institutions, individuals and the public because public acceptability drives political acceptability. Your initiative therefore of…
Arno Boersma
Manager, UNDP Centre of Excellence for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, Aruba
I was hesitant to contribute, because let’s face it, who is going to read this? Ok, you will. But in the world of development, you’re unfortunately…
Astrid Aune
Masters’ Student, Social Policy & Development, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
A central theme running through the MSc in Social Policy & Development is the need to reconceptualise who can contribute to policy making. In my…
Catherine Amulen
Global Health Corps Alumni, Uganda Chapter
If you asked me what it would be If I had to provide one priority action to transform a nation like mine into a modern prosperous country, I would give one answer and that answer would be knowledge…
Kiana Baker-Sohn
Student, University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
This Agenda Knowledge for Development recognizes that the strengthening of local knowledge ecosystems is crucial to the achievement of an inclusive global development agenda. In…
Shailza Bajaj
Operations Officer, UNAIDS, India
Knowledge is most important for any kind of economic & social development and ignorance can be compared to a dark room. No matter how long the room has been dark, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit, the entire…
Sheikh Mohamed Bin Tahnon Al Nahyan
Chairman of the Knowledge Committee, Ministry of Interior, UAE
The Ministry of Interior in the UAE has expended considerable effort and resources in developing a strategic perspective to knowledge management. As part of its…
Frans Bieckmann
Independent researcher and advisor
Recognizing the importance of knowledge in its full plurality is essential for an inclusive development agenda. Knowledge takes many different forms and is expressed in many different ways. It can be explicit or…
Roland Bardy
BardyConsult, Germany,Executive Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Sustainable development in developing countries is only possible when it involves a bottom-up approach and brings in a multitude of local endeavors. In order for this to occur,…
Alex Bennet
Founder, Mountain Quest Institute, USA
Let us fully engage our spiritual nature to balance the accelerated mental development mankind has enjoyed during this Millennium. The spiritual dimension often drops out of the conversation when we are thinking…
Surinder Batra
Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India
Let me thank Knowledge for Development Partnership to give me an opportunity to express my views on the Agenda Knowledge for Development. In the ‘World Development Report 1998/99’, the…
Geoff Barnard
Knowledge Management Advisor to the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
Lack of sustained funding is the Achilles’ heel of most of today’s knowledge and information efforts in the sustainable development field. Unless we address this…
Bedi Amouzou
CEO & founder of Knowledge for Development
Without Borders (K4DWB), responsible for the long-term strategy of creating shared value for the most vulnerable In the 21st century, a new society is emerging in which knowledge development is fundamental…
Ali Sebaa Al Marri
Executive President, Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG), UAE
The MBRSG aims to support good governance in the UAE and the Arab world, and build future leaders through an integrated system offering education and training programmes, as…
Suleiman J. Al-Herbish
Director General, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)
In the pursuit of progress, it is necessary that the knowledge we generate is captured, stored, and disseminated for future generations to benefit. Moving into the era of the…
Flavia Martha Ajambo
Public Relations Officer, Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation, Makerere University, Uganda
Renewable energy technologies have an enormous potential in Uganda and that potential can be realized at a reasonable cost. One of the…
Fumio Adachi
Deputy Director General, University of Tokyo, Japan
No development aid should be provided without knowledge transfer. Both sides, donors and recipients, often fail to make full use of knowledge to maximize the effects of valuable aid. A loan to build a…
from A to Z
A to E
Fumio Adachi
Flavia Martha Ajambo
Suleiman J. Al-Herbish
Ali Sebaa Al Marri
Bedi Amouzou
Catherine Amulen
Astrid Aune
Shailza Bajaj
Kiana Baker-Sohn
Roland Bardy
Geoff Barnard
Surinder Batra
Alex Bennet
Frans Bieckmann
Sheik Mohamed Bin Tahnon Al Nahyan
Arno Boersma
Irina Bokova
Hope Matama Bongole
Daan Boom
Andreas Brander
Valerie Brown
Peter Bury
Erhard Busek
Kemly Camacho
Francois Carbonez
Francisco Javier Carrillo
Rob Cartridge
Virginia Cavedoni
Robert Chambers
Paul Corney
Sarah Cummings
Eli De Friend
Felice Davids
Charles Dhewa
Petru Dumitriu
Nancy Dixon
Abdelkader Djeflat
Erwin Eder
Alistair D. Edgar
Jacobs Edo
Leif Edvinsson
Rabih El-Haddad
José Angelo Estrella-Faria
Edith van Ewijk
F to M
Gibril Faal
Ana Cristina Fachinelli
Prince Lekan Fadina
Sola Folayan
Riff Fullan, Cesar Robles and Monika Herger
Euphrasius Fuorr
Rachel Fuhrmann
Wim Getkate
Nikita Giron
Vandana Gopikumar
Subhash Gupta
Leah de Haan
Ariel Halpern
Cees Hamelink
Johanna Hartmann
Michael Häupl
Paul Hector
Paul Hoebink
Saskia Hollander
Alta Hooker Blandford
Donald Houessou
Dimitar Hristov
Annabella Busawule Johnson
Anna Rosa Juurlink
Casey Keeley
Daniel Keftassa
Obwoya Kinyera Sam
Suzanne Kiwanuka
Günter Koch
Ewen Le Borgne
Robin Mansell
Kim Martins
Ron McCallum
Kingo Mchombu
Chris McMullan
Henning Melber
Angelika Mittelmann
Marjan Modara
Isaac Mugumbule
Nolbert Muhumuza
Shira Bayigga Mukiibi
Esther Mwaura Muiru
Ashwani Muthoo and Helen Gillman
N to S
Oscar Nagari
Agnes Naluwagga
Lata Narayanaswamy
Cecilia Nembou
Vanessa Nigten
Klaus North
Ronnie Ntambi
Francis Onencan Onek
Osbert Osamai
Isaiah Owiunji
Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Jaap Pels
Mike Powell
Shishir Priyadarshi
Courtney S. Roberts
Mirjam Ros-Tonen
Hope Sadza
Raymond Saner
Thierry Sanzhie Bokally
Charlotte Scarf and Ros Madden
Johannes Schunter
Bernard Atsu Sename
Denise Senmartin
Arthur Shelley
Alan Stanley
Nico Stehr
Ojulo Stephen
Students of Masters’ courses, UK
Nanette Svenson
Günther M. Szogs
T to Z
Serafin D. Talisayon
Fréjus Thoto
Smith Tukahirwa
Wangui wa Goro
Gituro Wainaina
Richard Walugembe
Nancy White
Tan Yigitcanlar
Kandeh K. Yumkella
Chris Zielinski
Marjolein Zweekhorst
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